Fumoto partnered with San Francisco City for their oil recycling program

Aug 31, 2021

In spring of 2021, Fumoto USA partnered with the San Francisco Department of the Environment to distribute 200 oil drain valve kits to San Francisco residents who change their oil. The partnership was financed by grants from the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery's Oil Payment Program. 

"Fumoto was honored when they chose us to help their residents reduce pollution with our product," said our general manager Dory Trebicka. "We value our important role in creating environmental awareness amongst the future generation," she added. Fumoto valves can funnel wasted oil directly into oil containers. It can then be taken to an oil recycling facility. Using a Fumoto valve is a Win-Win for DIYers and the environment.

According to Huy Le, the Used Oil Program Coordinator for the San Francisco Department of the Environment, "In Fall 2020, the San Francisco Department of Environment partnered with Fumoto to take a pollution prevention approach to our used oil outreach campaign." Accidental oil spills can pollute local rivers and streams through the soil and rock into groundwater. Additionally, oil spills are incredibly difficult to remove from your driveway. 

"As a former do-it-yourselfer, I've always dreaded the mess that comes with oil changes," Mr. Le continued; "The Fumoto drain valve is a no-brainer and a must-have for people who routinely change their motor oil." Fumoto is very grateful to the San Francisco Department of the Environment for organizing this donation. We always strive to do our part in creating a greener tomorrow.