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Fumoto Valves for Cars & Pickup Trucks

Whether you have a pickup truck, SUV, or sedan. Routine maintenance is key in keeping your vehicle up and running in its best condition. Changing engine oil is very important but can also be very messy with a stock oil drain plug. Fumoto drain valves keep your hands, clothes, and garage floor clean.

Why Fumoto Valves?

Changing oil can be very messy. Oil spills can lead to safety risks such as burning your hands. This can make the task feel very daunting. Who wants to mess up their hands, clothes, and a garage floor with the dirty oil?

Once a Fumoto valve has been installed you can simply lift and turn a lever to drain your oil instead of using tools to remove your drain plug.The draining oil will not come in contact with your hands and will not spill on your clothes or garage.

Fumoto valves can also help with sampling a small amount of oil for analysis. Fumoto valves have also protected your oil pan from having its threads stripped out by you or your mechanic. This is because Fumoto valves are permanently installed on your engines.

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"I am so freaking clean while draining my oil that I could eat a sandwich with two clean hands."

Our Customer